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Delivery information

Dear customers, at times of war, delivery from Ukraine takes place in several stages:

1) All your orders are shipped by truck to Poland.

2) After passing through Ukrainian-Polish customs, all parcels are loaded onto the UPS aircraft that flies to the USA/Canada or Australia.

3) Packages (for orders to the USA or Canada) arrive at our shipping partner Skladusa's office in Minnesota or Western Bid's office in Miami.

4) On the same day or the next day, our partner sends all packages from his office to all our clients using USPS (or other delivery service if you're needed).

❗️Dear customers, please note that it is at the last stage (#4) that the TRACKING OF THE LABEL CREATED BY US BEGINS and you will be able to see where your package is❗️

Orders to Australia ship only by UPS (label tracking available almost immediately).